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Get Paid What You Deserve

By guest contributor Katlyn Barrett

The stats are consistent: men still take home, by some estimates, 75% more in wages than women. 2019 is the year for women to know their worth and ask for the pay rise they deserve.

Preparation to win

A big aspect for anyone to remember when it comes to succeeding is that you must have confidence in your abilities, along with the belief that you deserve the win in order to actually land the position and salary to which you aspire. Brushing up that resume, continuing to learn new skills and making yourself indispensable will create a climate in which receiving a raise or promotion is the next natural step. The door has been left open by women who have come before us but it is still up to the individual to have the confidence to walk through it.

Harry Potter author J.K. Rowling, who took years to sell her bestselling series writes, “We do not need magic to transform our world. We carry all of the power we need inside ourselves already.” Whether your goal is in finance, entertainment or any other profession, drive and commitment, along with self-confidence and the support of other women who have paved the way, are the key ingredients that ignite the power within needed to succeed.

Encouragement to ask for that raise

Leena Nair, Chief HR Officer of Unilever, a company often featured in the Times Top Fifty Employers Four Women in the UK, encourages women to apply themselves to their dreams. It is with the support of female leads like Nair that women can feel encouraged to ask for raises and promotions when they believe they have earned recognition in their companies. Some companies have scheduled reviews on their calendar, creating a space for employees to present a case for higher than the annual small increase. Whether or not the opportunity is prescheduled, it's important to be proactive in scheduling time with supervisors to share personal goals with the company and the desire to move up.

Champions paving the way

Chief Executive Officer of Virgin Money, Jayne-Anne Gadhia is just one of today’s many female leaders paving the way for other women in business. As CEO, Gadhia made a commitment to equal hiring and pay across genders in her own company and, after conducting an outside review, was appointed the Government’s Business Champion for Gender Equality. Her work alone has resulted in 273 firms in the financial sector signing a Women In Finance Charter, illustrating another move forward for women in business. Across all sectors, there are examples like this for women to learn from, giving them confidence in their career pursuits.

To read more, the Female Lead founder Edwina Dunn delivered 5 top tips on negotiating a pay rise.

Image from Ladies Get Paid



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