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Social Media Pledge

Today we launch our Social Media Pledge, to promote healthier and more positive social media use amongst teens and young people. The Pledge is based on the findings of a joint research venture between The Female Lead and Cambridge Psychologist Dr Terri Apter.

The research comes out of global concern around the effect of the digital world on young people’s wellbeing, especially girls. Current social media guidance focuses on safety and time limits, but very little on how to make the experience more enriching. We wanted to know: can social media become an inspirational force in girls’ lives?

This important research has revealed multiple positive outcomes resulting from the introduction of new, female role models and disrupting the social media feed.

Our Social Media Pledge turns our main findings into four easy guidelines for young people to use. Influencers, celebrities and teens have signed up to spread the word to millions of social media users - and we hope you will too!

How can you get involved?

1.Download the social media pledge image

2.Post the pledge on your social media channel with the hashtag #DisruptYourFeed. Please share across as many of your social channels as possible.

3. Nominate someone you respect & who empowers you to get involved and share the pledge!

Simple but meaningful actions, done together, can have a big impact. Let's all take a stand to promote healthier and more positive social media use. #PledgeTo #DisruptYourFeed with @the_female_lead

Thank you to Maria Filler for creating our pledge illustration!

To download the full Disrupting the Feed report or the Executive Summary, click here.

Tell us about how you have been spreading positive social media use with #DisruptYourFeed by emailing



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